Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Days 1&2 - "Get There" Days
As many times as I've traveled across this country, I have never tired of the diversity and subtle character of each new scene.  In the farming country the crops were lush, most corn was waist high and stretched to the horizon and large round hay bales were in the fields by the hundreds.  As everywhere, some (very modest) homes show fastidious care and some were falling down. We are an interesting culture.

Unlike traveling in a car, when you travel on a motorcycle, people routinely approach and want to chat - and if you are willing to listen they share a little of their life. One man had traveled to the Arctic Circle on a very beat Honda ST1100. His bike looked like a Rube Goldberg creation, and at McD's "mom" sold me coffee. "mom" (lower case, on her name tag) was the managers mom.

Day 1, Wayland to St. Louis MO. 813 miles.  Temps were cool at 54F near Salamanca & and hot at 95F in Indianapolis.  I got to see the St. Louis Arch lit up after dark and toured the museum.  The museum had several artifacts from the settling of the west including a Conestoga wagon and (very red) stage coach.  The pic does not do the wagon justice - it is really small. I have no right to grumble about the lack of storage space on the bike - whole families lived out of these wagons for months. Cramped, hot/cold, rough and tiny - unbelievable. Those were some really tough people.

Day 2, St. Louis to Albuquerque NM, 1029 miles. 10 drops (literally) of rain and hot. It was 80F by 7:30 am and 96F at noon. Even though it was more miles than day 1, it was easier.  Unlike NY, the roads are smooth and fast. The bike computer shows a moving average of 69.2 mph - that's cookin'.  Did you know that Oklahoma and the upper section of Texas are really really flat?


The land slowly changed from the limestone cliffs in Missouri to fields being harvested by huge farming machinery to tumbleweeds and beef cattle.  Then came New Mexico. Vast desert with deep gullies, rocky cliffs and delicate blue flowers.  I noted that somewhere in the middle of Texas the scene changed from the heartland to the west, green to tan and brown, crops to endless fences and cattle.  I also noted that my allergies disappeared somewhere in Texas.

The pic is of my trusty steed at a gas stop in New Mexico. It ran flawlessly, heavily loaded, in the heat and at speed hour after hour. I wish I could say the same for the operator!


Dave G. and Ginny got a late start last Thursday due to a failed battery - but are on their way.  Hope to hear from them today. Plans are to meet them in Glenwood Springs CO on Wednesday night.

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